Monday, November 17, 2014

Questions to get you motivated

What do you want to do for the rest of your life?

What is holding you back?

What can you do to improve yourself today?

What is it that truly makes you happy?

Can you make yourself happy every day?

Every day I have to drive a total of 2 hours and as I sit in my car I think about these questions and they help motivate myself. By the time I get home though I feel exhausted and I tell myself just one small nap. That small nap turns into 2 hours and then I can't sleep. I feel as if I have wasted my time and then I don't have the same motivation. I don't know why I only feel like that in the car so I force myself to sit at my desk and write down the questions to remind me why. Why am I working so hard?

I complain that I never catch a break. If I am not at school I am at work and if I am home then i'm doing homework. When I do have a day off though I feel so restless and time goes by so slow. There are things I could be doing. I could be making money or learning something.

I'm on a constant wheel. I used to say I want to retire early but now that I think about it, i'd feel useless. There are 3 elderly women at work that are at the age of retirement but they stay because they are afraid of having so much time after working most of their lives. My boyfriends grandpa just watches tv all day and I don't understand how he can do that.

The Struggle is Real

Friday, November 7, 2014

My 2 cents on fame- Ex Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez has just released a song that she confirmed was about Justin Bieber. OMG. <- Sarcasm. 

So I have to admit that sometimes I keep up with celebrity news but it's usually when a new song comes out and I watch the youtube videos and see all the crap people say in the comments. I tell my boyfriend what people are saying and it's honestly sad how much people care about these celebrities. It must be hard to be famous because you are constantly being watched. Selena is 22 years old and people are continually judging her about her relationship with Justin Bieber. For one, it's none of our business who she dates and to judge her for that is ridiculous. I am 21 and I can't imagine having the whole world know how many people I have been with or what I am doing every second. 

Imagine people scoping out your house or having random people following you just to snap a picture.  How can you even meet people without them being star struck? I can understand how famous people stick with outer famous people because they obviously have the same problems. My boyfriend and I were wondering how she can even have a relationship with someone that isn't famous. She is a busy person obviously with all the movies and songs coming out. She probably has more success than those pointing out all her flaws. If she were to point a finger then she gets her ass reamed by the media. 

There was a person who commented on her newest song on youtube and said she was a bad example for encouraging girls to stay in a toxic relationship. She is obviously expressing herself and there are many people who are in a toxic relationships. She made herself vulnerable with coming out with this song. She was able to connect with her fans so for people to say she is a bad example is really idiotic. Before you go judging people put yourself in her shoes. What if people were following you around and posting articles about your life and the decisions you make. 

Stop caring about celebrities and what they do in their life. It's so sad how big these reality tv shows are. Are people that bored that they have to watch others live their lives? 


I should probably be studying for my midterm on Monday, but I find it hard to concentrate when all I can think about is disney, flying to vegas for new years, watching Vampire Diaries, what is going to happen this weekend, whether or not I should keep sitting here scrolling down my Facebook feed, look at yahoo, articles, or maybe just come up with posts for my blog. There are so many more options besides studying for my midterm and it just becomes distracting as you can tell. Oh and my stomach is currently growling. What should I eat?

Have you ever left assignments for the last minute? One time I waited to along to do an essay that I only slept 4 hours. That was this past wednesday by the way. If something catches my interest then I do things right away but if I think its boring then meh, it can wait.

Hope ya'll have a good weekend!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

School, Homework, Work..REPEAT

For over a month now I haven't had a day off from work or school. Every time I try to relax I feel guilty for not doing my homework. Sometimes I can't even sleep. There are days that I dread going to work because it just stresses me out and I don't feel appreciated but then again I should be grateful that I have a job. I then remember the loans I have to pay off so I keep on running on this wheel. 

On a happy note, I have yet to hear from the company I applied for. Owners are still on vacation and no news is good news right?  

What helps you keep going?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Ever since I was in elementary school I have been overweight. I used to blame my mom for feeding me fast food but now that I have moved out I haven't lost much. My excuse is that healthy food is expensive. Which really it is plus the grocery store is about half an hour away from me but Mcdonalds and Wendy's is down the street! For me to get some veggies and fruit takes gas, which means money, which means job, and working enough to pay for gas, food, and all my other bills. Once I am done paying all that off I barely have enough for extra stuff. It also snows here which makes it hard to walk during the winter. I see a bunch of diet fads and the new diet pills that came out but I have never been able to stick to a diet. I bought the wii fit which worked for awhile but then it just became really easy and repetitive.

I am worried about my health.

Any advise?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Do you hate your job?

In my previous post, I talked about how jobs are stressful. 2 days ago I found a video about stress and how it can affect your health. It explains way to help lower stress and manage it.  I hope this helps as much it helped me.


Kidding, I'm still at the same place....hopefully not for long. Remember, you do not have stay at the job that makes you unhappy. It is unhealthy! I know that security is important but you could apply to other places that you think you will do well in. Once you get in then you can quit your job =D It's a numbers game. Apply to as many places as you'd like but make sure you actually want to do whatever you are applying for.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Etsy Mishap

As I may have mentioned I am majoring in Marketing/Business. I have been trying creative ways to practice marketing. One day I was at Hot Topic and I found some Disney Bows and it was ridiculously expensive. I was like. PFF I can make that and I did. I posted pics on Fb because I just have to share every second of my life with the world. I received a message asking for the price and BAM, Made myself an Etsy shop. I finally got my first customer and she wanted an Elsa bow that looks like this
They come in small sheer bags that the bow fits perfectly in. Because she was my first customer I let her choose another bow and she chose the Minnie Bow
I sent her the items the next day that she had put her oder in. I didn't know that Etsy does not send you the reviews through email so I didn't look at my Etsy for awhile because I always received an email if there was ever a notification. I then checked it a month later and saw the review which was a 1 star because the loops fell off the Elsa Bow. I tried contacting the buyer but I haven't gotten a response. I was hoping to send a her a new one, one of her choice, or even a refund. Unfortunately I haven't been able to reach her so I took the item off the shop. 

it's a bit frustrating because ever since I haven't gotten anymore customers =/ 

Dream Job

I recently applied for one of my dream jobs and the hiring process has been excruciating. I am not known for my patience so to wait for an email is agonizing. I am constantly checking my email which is on my phone. I think I check it about every 10 minutes and it has now been 3 days. I recently found out that the owners are on a cruise! You can just imagine how I felt. My heart sank because it will probably be awhile until I hear back from them. 

This job would change everything for me. Right now I work for a company that doesn't treat their employees very well. The whole time I felt used and it is very stressful. Not that jobs aren't stressful because I believe that every occupation comes with some but for me it is to the point where I become depressed. The only thing that keeps me going is the determination I have to achieve my goal.  

I know my potential. I just want a chance to show the world what I can do. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

How I study for an interview

How many times have you gone to an interview and get anxiety the day before you go in?

Yeah, I feel like I am going to have a heart attack! The first couple of interviews I did not do any research. I just winged it because people told me to just be myself and not sound like a robot. I didn't get 2 of the jobs I wanted in the past doing that. Not saying that it may not work for you but apparently I must be saying something wrong.

 I recently applied to a job that would open a lot of doors for me so I looked up youtube videos and the most common questions asked during an interview. I wrote down some notes on my computer and highlighted the best answers, not complete answers, just bullet points to remind me what I should say. Honestly, I didn't even look at my notes on my interview( phone interview). You should also ask friends or family for advise and go over the questions and answers you wrote down with them. I went over it with my boyfriend and my friends. They helped me so much! They even tried interviewing me but I am really shy so I didn't do it. t was so nervous, I think I said "really" about 10 times. I am still waiting for a response but of course it's the weekend. I'll probably have to wait until Monday.

This is the video I watched. Hope it helps!

Friday, October 31, 2014


Guess what i'm doing tonight!!!


yup staying home and sitting at my desks for hours on end because I have 2 essays, an exam, and a midterm coming up plus the regular everyday homework for all 5 classes. OH OH and I have work bright an early maƱana. FML right!?! I was invited to a party tonight and I was super excited but nah,  life smacked me in the face and said nope.

What are your plans?  Hope you all have an awesome night. Be Safe!

Some pics from Last year. =D

Financial Aid

So I have had a huge problem with financial aid. I graduated high school wanting to go straight to college. At the same time I fell in love and moved out of state to be with my boyfriend. I applied to college and found out I'd have to pay 2x the tuition. I was considered a non-resident and I could not receive  financial aid because my dad makes too much money. 

My parent lives in different states. My dad was not helping me with school and my mom well, she's illegal. It took me 2 years to gather my paper work for residency and my dad refused to fill out my fafsa so I can at least get loans. I am now taking loans because financial aid thinks I am dependent on my parents even though I do not live with them. I am not considered independent unless I am married or pregnant. So until I am 24 yrs old (I am currently 21). I will not be able to get financial aid. I have wasted 3 years!!! I could have been close to getting my bachelors. grrz



Purpose for this blog is to share my life experiences and hopefully get some feedback tom people. Everybody needs guidance and everybody has different perspectives. Everything is for open discussion and you might find some of my decisions or way of thinking wrong.

You have no idea how many times I scroll down my FB page and  wish I could speak my mind but I don't want to offend anybody plus they know me and everybody could see it. It just causes a lot of drama. So here I am going to speak my mind. Don't hate, just be open because that's what I want.

Let the games begin =D

PS I may randomly talk in movie quotes.