Friday, November 7, 2014

My 2 cents on fame- Ex Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez has just released a song that she confirmed was about Justin Bieber. OMG. <- Sarcasm. 

So I have to admit that sometimes I keep up with celebrity news but it's usually when a new song comes out and I watch the youtube videos and see all the crap people say in the comments. I tell my boyfriend what people are saying and it's honestly sad how much people care about these celebrities. It must be hard to be famous because you are constantly being watched. Selena is 22 years old and people are continually judging her about her relationship with Justin Bieber. For one, it's none of our business who she dates and to judge her for that is ridiculous. I am 21 and I can't imagine having the whole world know how many people I have been with or what I am doing every second. 

Imagine people scoping out your house or having random people following you just to snap a picture.  How can you even meet people without them being star struck? I can understand how famous people stick with outer famous people because they obviously have the same problems. My boyfriend and I were wondering how she can even have a relationship with someone that isn't famous. She is a busy person obviously with all the movies and songs coming out. She probably has more success than those pointing out all her flaws. If she were to point a finger then she gets her ass reamed by the media. 

There was a person who commented on her newest song on youtube and said she was a bad example for encouraging girls to stay in a toxic relationship. She is obviously expressing herself and there are many people who are in a toxic relationships. She made herself vulnerable with coming out with this song. She was able to connect with her fans so for people to say she is a bad example is really idiotic. Before you go judging people put yourself in her shoes. What if people were following you around and posting articles about your life and the decisions you make. 

Stop caring about celebrities and what they do in their life. It's so sad how big these reality tv shows are. Are people that bored that they have to watch others live their lives? 

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