Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Health kick- First 5k- Fitbit Blaze

For my birthday my mom bought me a fitbit Blaze which I absolutely love! In the beginning I would log all my food and my water and constantly check my heart rate. It's been 2 months now and I don't log anything anymore. I kept running into food I had no idea how to count calories for since I don't measure anything that are part of my recipes. It was also very tedious and I got tired of logging stuff. I have to say.....I gained weight since I did that -_- I had signed up for 2 5ks while I was in my health kick. 

First being the Color Run with my boyfriend which I did not train for at all and I ended up walking about 87% of it. While I was excited about the 5ks I had asked my trainer to do one with me and she agreed to do it with me. The Glorun! Yeah, i'm not actually excited for it anymore since again I have not trained and its coming up in 3 weeks. I'm close to calling it off but I'm scared since she bought her ticket and will probably be disappointed. 

I also joined a Facebook group called IIFYM for women and I see before and after pictures. These chicks have some serious will power. They count their grams to the T and i'm over here like yeaaaah... I want some tiramisu. I have never done well with discipline. I need help. 

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