Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Catch Up

Since my last post I have participated in the Disney College program, moved into a house, got 2 new jobs, got a new dog, and accepted into the University that I wanted. Unfortunately, I have also racked up debt, found out my boyfriend has some fetishes that makes me uncomfortable, and I basically don't have a social life.

I'd like to say that I don't have time to be social but I probably watch more TV than I should. I enjoy being alone with my dogs and my boyfriend and to me, right now ,that's enough. There are days where I see a group of people just hanging out and wish I had someone to talk to but I have forgotten how to make friends. It was much easier before cell phones came alone. Now I can literally stand in an elevator with 5 other people and everybody will be staring at their phones.

I moved out of state leaving my friends and family behind to be with my boyfriend. We have had our ups and downs but I haven't regretted my decision. It helped me become more independent and learn how to survive on my own. I did not receive financial support or even talked to my family for a long time since they did not support my decision. My life since high school has been work and school. I don't have much time to relax or even spend time with my boyfriend but when I do get a moment to myself I just lay down and binge on Netflix

I've recently signed up for Tai Chi classes and hot yoga because I know I need to balance my life and my mind is always on a roll. I don't give myself a break and I am not taking care of my body. I convince myself that I don't have time to cook, buy groceries, or even clean my house. I become motivated to do things while i'm at work but once I am off I tell myself I deserve a break and end up watching 5 episodes of a show.

Does anybody else have a guilty pleasure?

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